Disability Dates has the pleasure of working with Able Radio

Able Radio is a live, on-line, radio station presenting shows at the heart of the disabled community. As the first live station of its kind. Great music, information and chat presented by a multitude of presenters, each adding their own unique style, focussed on the ability in disability.

Able Radio was founded in 2006 by a group of volunteers passionate about improving the everyday lives of disabled people, many of whom you can read about on Able People. The enterprise grew rapidly through demand and now plays a pivotal role within the disabled community.

Beyond on-air broadcasts Able Radio engages with numerous organisations and individuals across the UK via training, outside broadcasts and remote satellite centres. Funding from The Big Lottery has assisted in this rapid development with the introduction of a small professional management team to drive operations and future expansion. Underpinning all activities are a team of dedicated volunteers, most living with a disability themselves.

The Able Radio “family” of listeners and contributors has expanded to include carers, family members and friends, social and health care professionals as well as all who seeks a lively mix of music and chat.

Able Radio have teamed up with Disability Dates to offer their audience a chance to find out about Disability Date`s member`s who are looking for Friendship & Dating.
Disability Dates will select a profile of the day to be aired on the show, if a member of Able Radio`s audience would like to hear more they will be given the details on how to do so.

So get writing your profiles for a chance to be picked and don`t forget to listen in to Able Radio here from Monday 18th July between 1300 and 1400 BST


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